We have all heard the stories of people in boring relationships. Sex becomes dull, and the relationship with your partner seems to fizzle out and become “routine.” Sometimes it is difficult to have an exciting love life when daily responsibilities cause time for sex seems impossible. Going to work, cleaning the house, getting groceries, attending to family members, and dealing with everyday family problems can sometimes leave you or your partner too tired to get anything going. Sex can also become dull when you have sex in the same place, at the same time, every week, always doing the same types of things. If any of this applies to you, then reading and following these few tips can help get your love life back into shape.

One thing that helps many couples is spontaneity. Surprising your partner can be very seductive. Doing things like showering together, or randomly giving your partner a long passionate kiss can help spice up your love life. Even waking your partner up during the night can help keep sex interesting for both of you.

Stay fit and healthy! If not for yourself, then do it for your partner. If you exercise regularly, you will have more energy in the bedroom and be more physically appealing to your partner. A finely-toned body is appealing and might be the right thing to get your partner in the mood. If you are in shape, you may even feel simply livelier.

Affection is a key ingredient to any relationship. Without affection, sex simply doesn’t work. If it has been a long time since you and your partner had sex, don’t rush into it. Start slowly; make sure that your partner knows how much you care. Simple eye and body contact can help any relationship. Cuddling close while watching TV, or kissing when you walk past each other can help immensely. Don’t forget that sex shouldn’t be a chore; it should be fun for both partners and should be an expression of your feelings. When couples lose that, their sex life often goes south.
Communicate with your partner during sex. If you like what they are doing, and want more, tell them. Not only will you get what you like, but also they will feel satisfied because they are pleasuring you. If you want to try something new, don’t be afraid to ask. Trying new things is a great way to put new life into your sex.

Finally, have fun. Don’t let your mind get occupied with other things. Be focused on what is going on when you are with your partner. Your experience will most certainly be better if you forget about your worries and just let loose.

Over time, relationships can suffer from stagnation in the bedroom. This can be avoided by doing things like staying in shape, being spontaneous and affectionate, and communicating with your partner. Sex shouldn’t be a pain; it should be fun, exciting, and romantic. Following these few tips can help rejuvenate your love life!